Thursday, June 16, 2005

WTF? (Wire-Tapped-Fraud)

An alleged PGMA wiretapped conversation with a certain Garci has taken the mainstream Filipino lifestyle by storm. Filipinos from all walks of life are now diving into what’s new about the said "expose". Many Filipinos are convinced that the contents of the CD/Tape are actually true (well a lot of people would believe almost anything they see in the media). It’s really pathetic to see people who immediately jump into the bandwagon believing that the contents of the said CD/Tape are true and asking for the resignation of the President.

Where the hell is our common sense? Think people! Don’t immediately believe anything you see or hear. Ask questions! Ask questions about the authenticity of the CD/Tapes. Ask questions about the timing of the expose. Ask questions about the source of the CDs/Tapes. And most important of all, lets ask ourselves “are we doing the right thing?” “Is our reaction to this a reflection of our conscience?”

Lets think first before we act, our country needs us to do so!

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